Classification: Kingdom Animalia

Terms from our book: The Kingdoms of Life: Classification Chapter 13
Kingdom Animalia

**Make a slideshow to watch with colorful images of invertebrates…

**Maybe make a soft (invertebrate) pillow???

            Porifera: The phylum of the simple, invertebrate animals called sponges

            Cnidaria: The phylum of aquatic invertebrates whose bodies have two layers of cells

            Platyhelminthes: The phylum of invertebrate animal that includes flatworms

            Nematodes: The phylum of invertebrate animals that include roundworms

            Annelids: The phylum of invertebrate animals that includes segmented worms

            Mollusks: The phylum of invertebrate animals that have soft bodies, a muscular foot for movement, and a mantle

            Arthropods: The phylum of invertebrate animals that have exoskeletons, jointed legs, and segmented bodies.

            Echinoderms: The phylum of aquatic invertebrates that are protected by a thick, spiny skin

**Make a slideshow to watch with colorful images of vertebrates…

**Look up more interesting crafts or learning ideas for this unit.

            Fish: Water, gills, scales

            Amphibians: Live on Land + Water, use simple lungs and their skin to breathe

            Reptiles: complex lungs to breathe oxygen, live on land or water, hatch from leathery eggs on land.

            Birds: Feathers, lightweight bones, beaks, hard eggs

            Mammals: Drink milk from mammary glands, live babies, teeth and hair


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