Classification: Kingdom Planta

Terms from our book: The Kingdoms of Life: Classification Chapter 12
Kingdom Planta

Know the function and be able to label these parts of a plant or tree:
Roots: The part of a vascular plant that absorbs water and minerals from the soil
Shoots: The part of a plant that grows above ground including the stems and leaves.
Stems: The long main part of a plant which the flowers and leaves grow.
Xylem: The tissue of vascular plants which allows water and minerals to move from the roots up through the plant.
Phloem: Living tissue that transports food from photosynthesis throughout vascular plants
Cambium: The layer of tissue between the phloem and the xylem.

Ferns: reproduce with spores.

Seeds: Most vascular plants reproduce using seeds.

**Activity: Draw a picture of a seed and the changes it makes to become a plant. See page 37 in your book.

Gymnosperms: Seed producing, no flowers

Angiosperms: flowers and fruit

Recognize and label these parts of a plant:

Stamen: Male reproducing part of a flower, pollen producing

Pistils: Tubes that lead to the ovary

Pollen: Yellow grains that are the male cells of flowering plants

Ovaries: a female organ producing eggs for reproduction

Pollinators: An animal that transports pollen from one flower to another

Nectar: A sweet liquid in flowers that many insects feed on

Germinate: To begin to grow shoots and roots


Mosses: A kind of Non-vascular plant that grows on damp soil, rocks, and trees.

Rhizoids: Rootlike thread on some plants that help them anchor to the soil.

Liverwort: A non-vascular plant often shaped like the human liver.

Hornwort: A non-vascular plant that grows in the shape of a horn.

Find an example of a vascular plant and a nonvascular plant. Compare and contrast the two and record your findings in your notebook.


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