Themes to cover in Grammar this year

1st Grade

(Last Reviewed Feb. 1, 2011)  
     Dark Green = fairly good understanding of concept
     Yellow = an area of improvement
     Light Green = concept well-covered, but needs continual practice

Review of Vowels and Consonants.
**Identify nouns

**Finding the Verb
State of being
Past tense: Change present forms to past tense
Imperfect, Present and Future Tense

**Parts of a sentence; Subject nouns, predicate nouns  (verb and object)
Possessive Nouns, Indirect object nouns, Adjectives

Punctuation: Fill in the blanks

Adjectives: Match nouns to a description
Singular and Plural

(Matin Latin 1 covers possessive nouns and prepositional phrases this year so I think I'll be covering this as well.)

Differentiate between a common or Proper noun

Sentence types: Declarative, Exclamatory, Interrogative
Compound words
Homonyms/ Homophones/ Homographs seems like a good link to retrieve helpful worksheets.


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