Week 9/27/10 Notes.
Monday Notes:
Spelling: bridge, two, to, too, foe, strait, thousand. We started our day with a spelling quiz from last week's words.
Recitation: After the spelling quiz, we moved right into her memorization work. She is averaging about 3-4 verses each week plus a poem.
Mathematics: Fact families, not as painful as I anticipated, though those darn subtraction problems continue to present confusion. I am interested in finding alternative ways in teaching this concept.
Latin/Grammar: Review of Nouns, Began Pronouns lesson with a demonstration of singular/plural first, second and third person pronouns. We did not chant the Latin words today.
History: Chapters 23 & 24. Discussed in GREAT depth the events of the beginning of Rome’s Republic, the Persian empire and the Battle of Marathon. Used a map to locate these areas of the world. At the playground today, Mara narrated the whole story of Horatius back to a couple of her friends so they could pretend they were brave Roman soldiers.
Poetry: I had intended on reading only a portion of Macaulay’s poem titled Horatius at the Bridge, but it was so well received that we read the whole thing.
Writing: Journal entry, Mara wrote verse 29 as dictated by me then illustrated the verse.
Reading: Burgess Animal Book, Tanglewood Tales: The Minotaur, The Wind in the Willows
We started our day today with a Science lesson. Mara did a great job independently reading her chapter. We reviewed her new vocabulary words first, then after I went over the reading again with her. She did a journal page drawing the differences between a eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell. Then we had a power outage so we took off the rest of the day to picnic at the Villa Borghese. When we returned around 4:30, our power was back on, and we decided to squeeze in a Grammar review and to read Chapters 25 and 26 in History. Mara then read more of the Burgess Animal Book to finish up for the day.
Wednesday Notes:
We began with a science vocabulary review game today. I made an answer sheet with her new vocabulary then the object was to match the vocab with the definitions, three new words at a time to avoid to much complication. It seemed to go over pretty well. And I enjoy any activity that doesn't add to her (what I feel to be) already heavy daily writing. From there, we moved into mathematics, where we are continuing fact families and I reintroduced the lesson using a triangle for this concept. We went over all problems previously completed this week in her workbook using this method and it really started clicking for her. We did the Q & A history review and I retold the history we've read so far as a narration in my own words, Mara helping along the way. She finished another verse journal page for memorization and read aloud The Hound and the Hare.
Thursday Notes:Mathematics - More Fact Family Triangles and figuring out the cues in word problems.
Poetry -Wynken, Blynken, and Nod by Eugene Fields
Draw - Illustrate Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
Listen -The Island Story: - The Romans Come Again. I am to read aloud
Activity - The Roman Arch
Grammar - Latin exercise
Language - Padre nostro
Memorization - psalms 23 - didn't have time for this. Do on Friday
Review - history review Q & A
Literature - Tanglewood Tales – continue; after schoolwork is complete.

Mathematics - Finish up unit 5 in math.
:: Think about doing supplemental exercises to review instead of moving to chapter 6 for next week. History Activity - Add new events and dates to time line. 509 B.C.
Drawing - Draw a picture of La Lupa.
Review - Review Science terms
Spelling - go over spelling words for Monday
Memorization - Psalms 23
Language - Padre nostro Grammar - Friday chant: all six Latin chants. Drill again.
Literature - Tanglewood Tales – continue; after schoolwork is complete.
How are you able to accomplish so much in a day!? I am jealous of all that you are able to learn. We are still working on behavioral problems which seems to take up most of the day. I'm glad that your new school year is going so well for your family.
ReplyDeleteHappy Learning!
We have such a wide variety of topics that we cover, so we spend maybe (give or take) 20 minutes per topic each day. (First Grammar lesson is usually that long but on the days that it's just drill review we spend only a few minutes!) I try to stop while the lesson is still fun, so she is excited to get back to it tomorrow. And make sure they know that NO amount of whining is going to get them what they want!