Week 16: February 14 - 18
Love is in the air... Happy Valentine's Day! I love making a lovely breakfast on Valentine's Day. It's such a good excuse to whip out out-of-season strawberries or make a raspberry sauce drizzled on crepes... or heart shaped pancakes... This year the menu is waffles with fresh sliced strawberries and whipped cream. Mmmm. Off-topic, but anyway after breakfast we'll get started on all sorts of Valentine related school activities!
Math: How many ways can you spell heart? How many ice cream sundaes? Logic activities from Mathwire.com
Just for fun: Conversation heart bingo: make a bingo board with hearts instead of rectangles, inside each write phrases found on conversation hearts, then take turns reading them off. First person to get four in a row yells "Happy Valentine's Day!" and wins all the Conversation candies!
More Math!! After playing bingo, use conversation hearts won from Bingo to graph how many of each color conversation heart she has.
History: Saints Valentine of Rome and Terni. Read their legends.
Writing/Journal: Use adjectives to describe several different pieces of chocolate to see if I can guess which kind she has.
Friendship Writing Activity: write inside of a heart shaped piece of colored paper ways we should treat friends and those you love.

Holy cow! The flu or something has struck both girls. Mara claims too much candy and treats yesterday... which could possibly be; we are not used to so much sugar throughout the day! She had no real fever in the morning, but a stomachache and a pukey tummy, then turned into a low fever by the afternoon. Elinor has an ongoing light fever with a runny nose and a productive cough. So light of that we'll be switching around some of our planned activities for today in place of more reading and couch time. As our day progresses, I'll have a better idea of what we can actually accomplish.
Our 'sick' day has got me thinking about Indiana Homeschooling Standards. The only requirement is to keep an attendance record of 180 days. Which has me wondering if I still count sick days as a part of our planned 180 days. If Mara were going to a public school, she certainly wouldn't be required to attend an extra day of school on account of the flu, though she may need to do a bit of make-up work... I don't know how that works. Perhaps since we don't have to worry too much about missing school when there is a 'snow' day it evens out?
Reading: Parables From Nature: The Law of the Wood; Oral Narration.
Math: Flash cards.
Another sick day has consumed our entire school day. Unfortunately, it has gotten the better of me today. I slept nearly all day while Mara read nearly all day. We did manage to get out of the house for a dentist appointment. Carrie's blog gave me the idea of asking our dentist for disclosing tablets to use later on in our study of the digestive system and healthy brushing.
Science: Draw body outlines (for adding the systems throughout this Unit) and find a good place to display them. Introduction to the human body. Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes for Elinor. Activity: The Five Senses with several modifications.
Music: Review, Play song learned last week. Next 3 note song, Quiz on Fingering.
Math: Flash Cards. Number 11 Activity: How many ways to make 11. Not sure about any other children, but my daughter is having a bad case of 11/12 confusion. They are truly the sight words of math. My daughter asked me last week if we could do a project or game that would hep her to distinguish these two numbers apart. So I made this, to the left... nothing fancy, but gave her a chance to get out the glitter and glue and turn it in to something a little more remarkable.
In the Kitchen: Make homemade pizza for lunch. Mara set the oven and mixed the dough. Each of the girls patted out their own pizza dough and put their own toppings on. After they were cooked, Mara and I cut the pizzas into 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8, a little precursor to our standard fractions unit we'll be starting in the next week or so.
After lunch wepried chiseled from the jars, our second attempt of rock candy made last week. The crystals were very well-formed this time around but the majority of the crystals were on the bottom of the jar making it nearly impossible to remove the string without it breaking. We wound up pouring out the remaining liquid to look at the crystals through a magnifying glass, however I think in the future just freezing water is a much better solution in studying formation of ice. No one is interested in actually eating the rock candy either.
Writing: Take some time to look through the illustrations in our new Science book. Write about one that is particularly appealing to you and why. Explain that we will be doing this type of journaling over the course of the next 10 weeks.
Technology time: Not a regularly scheduled time in our day, but I've been making an attempt to bring computer time into our days. Today, while I washed dishes, I asked Mara to go to Google.com and to search for a recipe for an easy oil pie crust. We are making chicken pot pie for dinner tonight and thought this would be a great opportunity for Mara to do some supervised online searching.
Latin: Mara to assist in making new "cheat sheet"
Just for fun Science: Valentine Marble Magic: a gift from Yem. Mara spent her evening sorting the beads then asking and answering "scientific" questions before adding water to see the results.
Science: Read aloud in The Way We Work. Terrific Taste Buds with Jelly Bellys or Terrific Taste Buds with Liquid solutions; Use a blank taste bud map to see if we're able to map out our tongues.
Math: Unit pages, How many ways to make 12.
Writing: Write three good reasons why books were so expensive in the middle ages. Draw a picture of what a page might look like. Provide examples.
Reading: An Island Story 8-11 Oral Narration, Pilgrims Progress
Mara finished reading James and the Giant Peach independently last week. We are going to have a movie night tonight to watch this movie! I bought popcorn and Sour Patch kids, maybe we'll even get some soda so it's just like at the real movies :)
**Also need to remember to put our five senses on our bodies!
Plans we missed out on this week due to illness:
Latin: Latin Charades - **All vocabulary.
Mathematics: Continue with two digit subtraction facts. Minute Math, Flash cards, Complete workbook pages. Number 12 Activity.
Latin: Lesson 12: Using your study guide for clues on Singular, Plural or Present, Past, make an illustration of the Latin sentence I dictate.
History: Review of Last week. Chapter 44, St. Augustine, Egypt Map Page. Continue on Heraldry. Update Timeline.
Latin: Lesson 12: Using your study guide for clues on Singular, Plural or Present, Past, make an illustration of the Latin sentence I dictate.
Writing Journal : Finish up the Nicene creed this week. Use Pandora during this time.
Latin: Lesson 12: Using your study guide for clues on Singular, Plural or Present, Past, make an illustration of the Latin sentence I dictate.
History/Art: Paper Mache Shield
Math: How many ways can you spell heart? How many ice cream sundaes? Logic activities from Mathwire.com
Just for fun: Conversation heart bingo: make a bingo board with hearts instead of rectangles, inside each write phrases found on conversation hearts, then take turns reading them off. First person to get four in a row yells "Happy Valentine's Day!" and wins all the Conversation candies!
More Math!! After playing bingo, use conversation hearts won from Bingo to graph how many of each color conversation heart she has.
History: Saints Valentine of Rome and Terni. Read their legends.
Writing/Journal: Use adjectives to describe several different pieces of chocolate to see if I can guess which kind she has.
Friendship Writing Activity: write inside of a heart shaped piece of colored paper ways we should treat friends and those you love.

Holy cow! The flu or something has struck both girls. Mara claims too much candy and treats yesterday... which could possibly be; we are not used to so much sugar throughout the day! She had no real fever in the morning, but a stomachache and a pukey tummy, then turned into a low fever by the afternoon. Elinor has an ongoing light fever with a runny nose and a productive cough. So light of that we'll be switching around some of our planned activities for today in place of more reading and couch time. As our day progresses, I'll have a better idea of what we can actually accomplish.
Our 'sick' day has got me thinking about Indiana Homeschooling Standards. The only requirement is to keep an attendance record of 180 days. Which has me wondering if I still count sick days as a part of our planned 180 days. If Mara were going to a public school, she certainly wouldn't be required to attend an extra day of school on account of the flu, though she may need to do a bit of make-up work... I don't know how that works. Perhaps since we don't have to worry too much about missing school when there is a 'snow' day it evens out?
Reading: Parables From Nature: The Law of the Wood; Oral Narration.
Math: Flash cards.
Another sick day has consumed our entire school day. Unfortunately, it has gotten the better of me today. I slept nearly all day while Mara read nearly all day. We did manage to get out of the house for a dentist appointment. Carrie's blog gave me the idea of asking our dentist for disclosing tablets to use later on in our study of the digestive system and healthy brushing.
Science: Draw body outlines (for adding the systems throughout this Unit) and find a good place to display them. Introduction to the human body. Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes for Elinor. Activity: The Five Senses with several modifications.
Music: Review, Play song learned last week. Next 3 note song, Quiz on Fingering.

In the Kitchen: Make homemade pizza for lunch. Mara set the oven and mixed the dough. Each of the girls patted out their own pizza dough and put their own toppings on. After they were cooked, Mara and I cut the pizzas into 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8, a little precursor to our standard fractions unit we'll be starting in the next week or so.
After lunch we
Writing: Take some time to look through the illustrations in our new Science book. Write about one that is particularly appealing to you and why. Explain that we will be doing this type of journaling over the course of the next 10 weeks.
Technology time: Not a regularly scheduled time in our day, but I've been making an attempt to bring computer time into our days. Today, while I washed dishes, I asked Mara to go to Google.com and to search for a recipe for an easy oil pie crust. We are making chicken pot pie for dinner tonight and thought this would be a great opportunity for Mara to do some supervised online searching.
Latin: Mara to assist in making new "cheat sheet"
Just for fun Science: Valentine Marble Magic: a gift from Yem. Mara spent her evening sorting the beads then asking and answering "scientific" questions before adding water to see the results.

Math: Unit pages, How many ways to make 12.
Writing: Write three good reasons why books were so expensive in the middle ages. Draw a picture of what a page might look like. Provide examples.
Reading: An Island Story 8-11 Oral Narration, Pilgrims Progress
Mara finished reading James and the Giant Peach independently last week. We are going to have a movie night tonight to watch this movie! I bought popcorn and Sour Patch kids, maybe we'll even get some soda so it's just like at the real movies :)
**Also need to remember to put our five senses on our bodies!
Plans we missed out on this week due to illness:
Latin: Latin Charades - **All vocabulary.
Mathematics: Continue with two digit subtraction facts. Minute Math, Flash cards, Complete workbook pages. Number 12 Activity.
Latin: Lesson 12: Using your study guide for clues on Singular, Plural or Present, Past, make an illustration of the Latin sentence I dictate.
History: Review of Last week. Chapter 44, St. Augustine, Egypt Map Page. Continue on Heraldry. Update Timeline.
Latin: Lesson 12: Using your study guide for clues on Singular, Plural or Present, Past, make an illustration of the Latin sentence I dictate.
Writing Journal : Finish up the Nicene creed this week. Use Pandora during this time.
Latin: Lesson 12: Using your study guide for clues on Singular, Plural or Present, Past, make an illustration of the Latin sentence I dictate.
History/Art: Paper Mache Shield
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