Week 17: February 21 - 25

**In studio from 8:30 - 11:00
Independent Reading: President books from library
Writing: The Pledge of Allegiance, Use the book
Latin: Lesson 12, pgs 32/52
Is it past or present? 1.Agricola ambulabat. 2.Unda appropinquat.
3.Amita expectabat.
4.Bestia mutabat.
5.Bestia vocat.
6.Agricola laudabat.
Mathematics: Flash Cards, Begin 2 digit subtraction.
Elinor: Matching Game, coloring
Mama: Finalize Co-op craft; send off anything to Joy for printing. Looks like there are 14 older kids and 9 pre-k kids... I do have enough corks for the cork horse project... though I would have to find 2 corks to make a sample horse to bring along. **Gather modeling clay, yarn and toothpicks if we are going to do this project.
Writing: Food supplies the cells in our bodies with energy so we can carry on the basic functions of life. Find illustrations such as Setting the Pace(pg 83) that show energy being produced and used. What techniques does Macaulay use to illustrate energy and movement in the drawings?
Latin: Latin Charades Review for tomorrow's test.
Mathematics: Continue 2 digit subtraction; flash cards
Science: Week 2 for the Human body Begin Circulatory System, The Way we Work, read sections, pg ...about heart beat...
Heart and Blood, Learn how to measure heart rate, understand reasons why your heart rate will change, How does your heart rate?
**In studio from 8:30 - 11:00
Reading: Finish up chapter reading DNA; We can do the project on Friday or Saturday; independent reading of any library books.
Writing: Write science terms
Latin: Complete Unit 12, Latin Test.
Mathematics: Mixed facts, two digit addition and subtraction, Minute math
History: Begin intro section to Robin Hood Unit Study. Explain that we will be making our very own "Illuminated Manuscript" through out the course of the book: page by page. At the end of our Unit we will work towards binding these all up in a beautiful and medieval way. Invite the Beacheys over for an end of unit group tutorial if they would like to join.
Etiquette: Using the Phone, read parts of Emily Post for kids.
Art: Pipes are an important part of a building as they supply water, heat, air, gas and steam. Find the illustrations In Circulation(pg 76) and Delivery Service. How has Macaulay represented the arteries and veins of the human body and what would they be transporting? Can you make a similar drawing?
American History: Benjamin Franklin.
Co-op: Bring AM craft
Chores: Make sure that Swim suit, towel, athletic bag with: hairbrush, shampoo/body wash, flip flops and track suit are all laid out for the following morning.
Saturday: Swimming Lessons 9am
Consider going to Healthworks in the afternoon. Add heart and lungs to body.
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