Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We had an early start today! With our maintenance man in at 8am to install our new oven, we packed up our things and studied in the lobby, ate doughnuts and played Foosball after studies. Elinor impressed the ladies in the office with her amazing 'early' crawling and pulling herself up on me and furniture.

We reviewed and practiced Cassiopeia presentation. Finished poster.

Hooked on Phonics: Book 18 and workbook pages; 20 minutes. She reads the books nearly seamlessly, but then she likes me to read them again after she finishes. I think she likes to pay attention to the punctuation with relation to how my voice changes with the different visual cues - words in all caps, question marks, quotations, commas, etc.

I read to her Little House on the Prairie through chapter 6.

She practiced her 'Show and Tell' story for 3 minutes. (She needs to slow down!)

Writing: practice numbers 4 - 8.


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